e - flux

Launched by artists in 1999, e-flux is an online platform that weaves together various threads of critical discourse in art, architecture, film, and theory, bridging the gap between many of the most prominent art institutions and global audiences.

e-flux's announcements (covering e-flux, Agenda, Architecture, Education, and Film) disseminate up-to-date press releases about essential exhibitions and events relevant to an international audience. Its online archive extends back over two decades, serving as a unique historical resource on global contemporary art exhibitions, curatorial concepts, and artistic ideas.

e-flux is also involved in the production and presentation of original art projects, symposia, and exhibitions, which have been featured in Documenta, the Venice Biennale, and various art institutions globally. It also operates its own space in New York, hosting regular public lectures and podcast series.

In 2008, e-flux launched its journal, commissioning and publishing some of the most impactful writings on art, film, history, technology, and politics. This monthly online publication and book series, produced in collaboration with Sternberg Press and the University of Minnesota Press, have seen numerous essays first published in the e-flux journal become canonical readings in contemporary art theory. e-flux extended its publication range with e-flux Architecture in 2016, Notes in 2022, and Criticism in 2023. Additionally, e-flux Film started streaming artists' films online in 2019.

e-flux also runs Bar Laika, situated in Brooklyn's Clinton Hill neighborhood, which serves exceptional drinks and hosts performances of experimental music. In December 2020, the e-flux Screening Room, a venue for artists' moving-image works, opened nearby at 172 Classon Avenue.

e-flux is a publishing platform and archive, artist project, curatorial platform, and enterprise which was founded in 1998.