Soun-Gui KIM (born in 1946), currently residing and working in France, is a trailblazer in the field of Korean contemporary experimental art. Since the late 1960s, she has exhibited innovative artworks that fuse philosophy, art, and technology across diverse mediums such as video, multimedia, sound, performance, and photography.

Born in Buyeo in 1946, Soun-Gui KIM graduated from the Painting Department at Seoul National University. In 1971, the Centre Artistique de Rencontre International in Nice invited her to work in France. While there, she studied Semiology and Philosophy aesthetics at I’Univeristé Nice-Sophia-Antipolis in Nice and l’Université d’Aix en Provence. As an active artist in France, she has taught at various institutions, including École Nationale d'Art Décoratif de Nice, the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, and the École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Dijon.

Her works have been showcased in numerous solo exhibitions, including those at ARARIO GALLERY Seoul (2018), ARARIO MUSEUM in SPACE (2016), Art Sonje Center (2014), Slought Foundation (2013), and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice (1991). Following her most extensive retrospective solo exhibition, "Lazy Clouds" (2019) at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea, her artworks from the late 1960s to the present were exhibited. Her works were also displayed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe in Germany (2022), and she was invited to the 58th Carnegie International in Pittsburgh, USA. She is also scheduled to present her works at the Gwangju Biennale, Korea (2023).

Currently – KIM Soun Gui